Friday, August 22, 2008

Bigfoot hoax, and vending machine food.

Well, the bigfoot dudes turned out to be scam artists.  I suppose they made a buck or two from selling caps and t-shirts.  One of them lost his law enforcement job, and now they're facing a lawsuit.  I blame the press for covering this prank in the first place.


Usually, I just hit delete really fast when I get an email like this [emphasis mine]:

Subject: American Food & Vending - Cafeteria Service


Dear Tenants,


Please read the attached letter. Feel free to distribute it to all of your associates and post it within your space. The continued lack of participation in vending, lack of sales, and rocketing food prices is calling for a more cost effective approach to keeping the cafeterias in business at Summit Tech.  We want to continue to provide the amenity but will only be able to do so with everyone at the campus supporting and giving their constructive feedback.  If you have comments, positive or negative, for American Food & Vending feel free to send them to me and I will make sure they are passed along.



Assistant Property Manager

Carrow Real Estate Services, KC LLC

777 NW Blue Parkway

Lee's Summit, MO 64086

P: 816-251-XXXX

F: 816-251-XXXX


It was a boring moment, so I replied.  I wonder if they'll get a clue.  Most of the food they serve in the cafeteria and put in the vending machines is terribly unhealthy.


I don’t use the vending machines very often, because I usually drink coffee and tea and I’m not big on candy.  The machines don’t have mixed nuts, so I bring my own.  I usually bring a lunch.  But, I once worked in an office with a food cart that came around in the mid-morning with snacks and lunches, and it worked out great.  I made an effort to keep cash in my wallet so I could grab something from the food cart and could eat at my desk.  It was especially great if I had rushed and missed breakfast or I was waiting for a phone call or stuck on a long conference.  If you came around between 10:30 and 11:30 with a food cart full of goodies, packaged sandwiches, muffins, fruit, etc. I would be more likely to buy.  That lunch cart guy must have made a fortune, and I know he hit about 10 office buildings every day.


Charles Hill / ♠ Capgemini USA / Kansas City

Network Engineer / Outsourcing Services – IM – N

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like someone's about to get made the head of the "food cart" committee and be forced to sit through meeting after meeting on what to stock on the food cart.  Enjoy!!!
