Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Why aren't we drilling our own oil?

Who is responsible for limited energy production in the USA? 

Congressman Roy Blunt of Missouri put together these data to highlight the differences between House Republicans and House Democrats on energy policy: 

ANWR Exploration 
House Republicans: 91% Supported 
House Democrats: 86% Opposed 

House Republicans: 97% Supported 
House Democrats: 78% Opposed 

Oil Shale Exploration 
House Republicans: 90% Supported 
House Democrats: 86% Opposed 

Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Exploration 
House Republicans: 81% Supported 
House Democrats: 83% Opposed 

Refinery Increased Capacity 
House Republicans: 97% Supported 
House Democrats: 96% Opposed 

91% of House Republicans have historically voted to increase the production of American-made oil and gas. 

86% of House Democrats have historically voted against increasing the production of American-made oil and gas. 

We have the know how to fix it but the Democrats prefer to buy oil from countries who hate us rather than drill and produce American oil. This has been going on since the 1970’s and nothing has changed. 

The consequences of poor energy policy in the USA results in economic hardships for all American Citizens but it is easier to blame the oil companies! 

Remember this when you vote!

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