The Nieda is in town this coming weekend, so there will be some sort of
get together. That's exciting, because my social scene has been
confined to work, hockey, and the gym lately.
There was no hockey last night. The rink took their ice down last week to repaint it. They were still making ice last night, so our game was postponed to tonight. That's fine with me. I took the niece and nephew to the city rink for public skating, instead, just so I wouldn't be bored and sedentary at home on the couch. Mission accomplished.
Shuffling money around to avoid paying too much income tax, getting the tax preparer paid, paying the mortgages, and paying for two bathroom updates. . . what a crazy month. $3.23 per gallon gas doesn't help. I shopped for loans to get everyone paid. Instead of taking a crappy interest rate, I obtained a family loan to get me over the hump without selling something. That'll save me some bank intere$t. Much thanks to mom and dad. Last month I had more going out than coming in. With some prudence and perseverance, I should be able to turn the corner next month.
The garden will be planted next weekend. I'm excited about that, if the weather allows it. Adam D. has already started the seeds indoors, and called to tell me not to buy seeds. He's got it covered. I like this co-op garden thing already.
Skuffling money around is never an easy is hoping next year will be much easier. Good luck with the garden...I am ready to do some planting...Have a great week! hugs,TerryAnn