Thursday, January 19, 2006


Last night I went to Westport to see my brother's band play an entire show.  Shaggy Green Carpet started the show off. . . an hour later than I thought they would.  They are a young and highly talented progressive rock group from Lawrence.  The room was good.  The crowd was slight.  Their cover of Rush's Tom Sawyer killed.  When The Duo Trio got on the stage it was getting late, but I caught most of the set.  I was particularly interested in hearing their cover of Primus' Too Many Puppies.  I would put it in the top 3 songs they played.  Then I went to work.  At 1am.  It was a long night and then around 5am things started breaking.  I would say at one point we had about 9000 customers offline because a technician plugged a PDU into an overloaded UPS.  Shortly after we fixed that, another router crashed and took down 3000 other customers.  THAT is why we do the work in the wee hours.  But working split shifts takes its toll.  I'm feeling zombified today.  I didn't shave, so I look the part.


  1. you seem interesting...

  2. too many puppies is my all time favorite primus u listen to oysterhead or the frog brigades?
    the whamola jam is another favorite of mine.
    stay cool.

    heres my pages...


  3. I'm glad you liked the Too Many Puppies cover.  We need bigger crowds.  We definitely need to get our 'real' sound recorded, because our little CD sampler is nothing like what we really sound like.
