My life is almost devoid of routine. This is my attempt to capture the strangeness of my days.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Coming Collapse of Oil Prices
Monday, May 26, 2008
Pre-Ignition Catalyitic Converter
I found a link to another car mod which allows it to run on pure tap water. Until I see it, I'm very skeptical. This conversion was done on a beater Camaro with a stock 350. It's pretty intriguing how instead of using a pulse width modulator (PWM) to regulate the electrolysis, he just uses 60Hz from an off-the shelf 110v AC inverter and opens and closes relays using the spark plug wires. I believe that since he's not using any hydrocarbons, the real fuel is the nitrogen in the air. The hydroxy created by cracking the water only catalyzes the reaction. The NOx emissions must be enormous, but since he's feeding the exhaust back through his water reservoir as sort of a bubbler, I presume that a lot of the NO2 and NO3 is dissolved back into the water. Then, in the electrolysis process, is it breaking the N2 and O2 apart, so it can be burned again? Since it uses a second battery, wouldn't it be smart to add a second alternator?
Monday, May 19, 2008
Tina Turner Ticket Prices
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Poca, West Virginia
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mother's Day
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Gas saving tricks.
On the other hand, I have read more about hydroxy boosters, and the innovation never stops. There is a lot of experimentation with cell sizes, shapes, and configurations. Sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide concentrations are another experimental variable. I wish there was an exhaustive wiki on the topic, because the knowledge being passed around in the email lists is not being recorded in a compendium anywhere. Competing designs are being tested in bake-off style road rallies with the results posted on YouTube by a guy known as Smack (aka Electrik).
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Group Vacation
Tomorrow, I'm going to the opera. Adam D. has a major role, so I want to see the product of his labor, because I've been tending the garden by myself while he's been in daily rehearsals. I have to know by tomorrow morning how many people are going. So far it seems like only two.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Fake pennies.
Tomorrow the House will vote on HR 5512 for making pennies out of steel with copper coloring instead of zinc-copper alloy. While this reflects their new reduced value, I think it’s a sad and terrible thing. They’ve completely unhinged the value of money from the value of precious metals. This is up for a vote in the House tomorrow. If they can make pennies the way they can print bills, our currency has lost all traction in its slide to zero value. The bankers win. The only thing holding the dollar up is perception. Any account you have that is valued in dollars (IRA, 401k, stocks, bonds) would be better off if you transferred it to an account in some other currency or used it to purchase material goods, precious metals, real estate, or offshore hedge funds.
The appearance of this bill is evidence of the wrong direction we’ve gone for a third time in our nation’s history with regard to fractional reserve banking. For now, the only thing propping the dollar up is its tie to the value of oil, and you see how that’s slipping, too. As soon as oil is purchased by some other currency, the dollar may crash harder than it did in 1907. The only thing keeping that from happening is our military might. You can see the proportion of our Federal budget which we’re spending on that is putting a strain on every taxpayer and the fabric of our economy.